Stop Smoking
Benefits and Gain
Benefits of Quitting Smoking achieved through Laser Treatment
Our bodies have an amazing regeneration rate if you don’t use drugs/alcohol. They act as a suppressant and slow down or stop the healing process. Our bodies start healing almost immediately after taking a break from smoking. After 20 minutes of not smoking, the body’s temperature of the feet and hands is better regulated, blood pressure and pulse rate become normal. After 8 hours of not smoking Carbon Monoxide levels in your blood drops to normal, lower CO2 levels in blood drops improves circulation and increases stamina which are benefits of quitting smoking.
After 24 hours of not smoking, your chance of a heart attack decreases. Nerve endings start re-growing and the ability to smell is regained. Cold and cough decrease with signs of fatigue receding.
2 weeks to 3 months – circulation improves and your lung function can increase by 30%. Bronchial tubes relax and lung capacity increases allowing normal breathing
Pittsburgh Stop Smoking Treatment Center & Med Spa – Benefits of Quitting Smoking
1 to 9 months of not smoking coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease; cilia regain normal function in your lungs, increasing your ability to handle mucus, clean your lungs, and reduce infection. Risk of heart disease and lung cancer lessen.
1 year of not smoking your chance of having a heart attack is reduced by 50%
5 years of not smoking your risk of stroke are reduced to that of a non-smoker.
10 years of not smoking your risk of dying from lung cancer are about half that of a continuing smoker; risks of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decrease.
15 years of not smoking your risk of coronary heart disease may become that of a non-smoker.
We wouldn’t be doing our Body Beautiful diligence if we didn’t remind you about the amazing skin benefits you receive from not smoking. Who wouldn’t want better skin, better health, and overall a better life? Make the change today and give us a call, we are invested in your success.
Are you ready to quit yet? Give us a call! 724 987 3221
Benefits of Quitting Smoking | 100 Reasons to Quit Smoking
1. Because you can!
2. Quitting decreases the overall of risk of death (all causes combined) by 50% in 15 years as compared to continuing smokers
3. Heart disease
4. Stroke
5. Arteriosclerosis
6. Peripheral vascular disease
7. Larger than 1 hundred of the four thousand+ substances in cigarettes are recognized to cause cancer
8. Cancer of the oral cavity
9. Cancer of the lung
10. Cancer of the throat
11. Cancer of the esophagus
12. Cancer of the pancreas
13. Cancer of the kidney
14. Cancer of the urinary bladder
15. Cancer of the cervix
16. Incidence of obstructive lung disease
17. Chronic bronchitis
18. Emphysema
19. Other substance, known or suspected mutagens, that cause permanent, often harmful changes in the genetic material of living cells
20. Smoking is responsible for more than 50 different medical conditions
21. Ladies that smoke take longer to become pregnant and are unfortunately more likely to miscarry
22. Men who smoke may suffer impotence
23. Smoking can affect sperm quality
24. Ladies smoking while pregnant possibly are more prone to produce low birth weight infants
25. Females who smoke may give birth prematurely or have stillborn birth and possibly the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
26. Toxic tobacco smoke aka second-hand smoke harms others
27. Deadly and toxic tobacco smoke may produce asthma in children
28. Smoking reduces oxygen to the brain, this may affect your mental function
29. Smoking decreases the capability to operate in active lifestyles such as sports
30. You are paying big tobacco companies your hard-earned money to cause you harm
31. Depending on where you buy cigarettes, you’ll save more than $2500 a year if you’ve been smoking one pack a day
32. Smoking destroys your brain chemistry
33. Tobacco is a self-indulgent drug that alters your character for the worse
34. Nicotine is an addictive and poisonous drug which is linked to cancer and other issues
35. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin or cocaine
36. Tobacco smoke contains 4 thousand plus chemicals
37. Smoking causes your breath to smell
38. Smoking causes your teeth to yellow
39. Smoker’s cough
40. The sensation of aroma and flavor will be improved or go back to normal within days of quitting
41. Fire prevention
42. Increased work potential
43. Your relatives, colleagues, and friends will stop nagging you to quit
44. Increased motivation should happen and you’ll do the things that are especially meaningful to you
45. Constant cough and sore throat
46. Respiratory problems will decrease
47. Gum disease risk
48. Nonsmokers don’t like kissing smokers. There is nothing sexy about smoking
49. You won’t feel like a leper in public. More than 70% of people don’t smoke
50. You stop having to lie about your addiction to others and yourself
51. No more smoking outside in the winter your fingers and toes will thank you
52. No more needing a nicotine fix
53. Your pets will live happier and healthier
54. No more dry cleaning clothes to remove the smell
55. Every cell in your body will benefit
56. Your house will smell better
57. Your car will smell better
58. You’ll feel happier for assuredly gaining control of your addiction
59. You will have a lot more energy
60. You will contribute less to world pollution
61. Tobacco smoke has ammonia in it
62. Tobacco smoke has lead in it
63. Tobacco smoke has hydrogen cyanide in it
64. Cheaper life insurance
65. It’s never too late to quit
66. Choose health over addiction
67. Risk of anesthesia and post-operative complications are increased by the use of cigarettes
68. 50-million Americans already dropped smoking, and you can too.
69. You want to quit tobacco
70. When you quit for 20 minutes… your blood pressure drops to near the level before you had your last cigarette
71. After 8 hrs … the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops back to normal
72. After 24 hrs… your chance of heart attack decreases
73. After 2 weeks to 3 months, your circulation improves and lung function increases up to 30%
74. After one yr…your chance of heart attack is cut in half
75. After 5 yrs…stroke risk is reduced to the level of a non-smoker
76. After 10 yrs of quitting precancerous cells are replaced and cancers such as mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas
77. After 15 yrs…the risk of death for ex-smokers returns to nearly the level of persons who have never smoked
78. Because you love yourself
79. You want more control over your life
80. No more going to the store in rain or snow for your addiction
81. More stamina for activities including intimacy
82. Smoking has been linked to depression
83. Smoking will not help you lose weight
84. Children tend to irritate their parents
85. Smoking makes no sense
86. Your hair, clothing, and breath no longer smell of cigarettes
87. Not socially acceptable anymore
88. Smoking interferes with hormones
89. Birth control pills and smoking severely increases the risk to heart attack, stroke and blood clots
90. Tobacco seems to be a solid hazard factor for the development of diabetes
91. Users or tobacco are 1.5 times more prone to suffer fractures, sprains, and other injuries
92. Smoking increases blood pressure
93. Smokers are 3x more likely to get middle ear infections than nonsmokers
94. Smoking is a major factor contributing to the early development of age-related macular degeneration
95. Smoking decreases a man’s chance of maximizing the full blood flow of his erect penis
96. Smoking damages blood vessels, inhibiting blood flow
97. Smoking destroys brain cells and prevents others from being produced
98. Smoking activates genes that cause the skin to wrinkle
99. Just do it – You don’t need any more reasons
100. Quit for yourself