Stop Smoking

How It Works

home page button link for Quit Smoking, Tobacco, Quit Cold turkey, Relapse, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Second hand Smoke, laser treatment, Fake chew, Vapor Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes, Smoke Free, Smoking Success, Smoking Weight Gain, Cancer, Emphysema, HypnosisFrequently asked question for Quit Smoking, Tobacco, Quit Cold turkey, Relapse, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Second hand Smoke, laser treatment, Fake chew, Vapor Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes, Smoke Free, Smoking Success, Smoking Weight Gain, Cancer, Emphysema, HypnosisBenefits and gains from Quit Smoking, Tobacco, Quit Cold turkey, Relapse, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Second hand Smoke, laser treatment, Fake chew, Vapor Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes, Smoke Free, Smoking Success, Smoking Weight Gain, Cancer, Emphysema, Hypnosis Before and afters videos and testimonials, Quit Smoking Before and afters videos and testimonials, Quit Smoking, Tobacco, Quit Cold turkey, Relapse, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Second hand Smoke, laser treatment, Fake chew, Vapor Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes, Smoke Free, Smoking Success, Smoking Weight Gain, Cancer, Emphysema, Hypnosis
Tobacco facts, Benefits of Quitting Smoking , Stop Smoking, Quit Smoking, Tobacco, Quit Cold turkey, Relapse, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Second hand Smoke, laser treatment, Fake chew, Vapor Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes, Smoke Free, Smoking Success, Smoking Weight Gain, Cancer, Emphysema, Hypnosisweight loss addiction cessation and pain relief, Stop Smoking, Quit Smoking, Tobacco, Quit Cold turkey, Relapse, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Second hand Smoke, laser treatment, Fake chew, Vapor Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes, Smoke Free, Smoking Success, Smoking Weight Gain, Cancer, Emphysema, HypnosisWhy choose Body Beautiful Laser medi spa, Stop Smoking, Quit Smoking, Tobacco, Quit Cold turkey, Relapse, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Second hand Smoke, laser treatment, Fake chew, Vapor Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes, Smoke Free, Smoking Success, Smoking Weight Gain, Cancer, Emphysema, Hypnosis

What We Do to Help

How Stop Smoking Works | The Process

Body Beautiful Laser Medi Spa combines the benefits of traditional acupuncture with the technology of photo or light therapy creating one of the most effective and technologically advanced therapies available for treating a variety of health issues. Development and research have allowed us to develop advanced therapies and gave us an overall better understanding of how these treatments work for patients. Our multi-faceted and technologically advanced approach allows us to achieve one of the highest on-going success rates. Our technology involves techniques that trigger the brain to produce it’s own natural opiate substitutes to overcome withdrawal and cravings, behavior modification techniques are used during and after the therapy to overcome the psychological mindset of dependency and a nutritional and educational program designed to support the body as it heals

Stop smoking laser 4 step multi-phase process image for treatment, How Stop Smoking Works

Our success is based on a 4 step multi-phase process to cover all aspects of helping you quit your addiction:

* Body Beautiful uses Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to suppress the smoking craving. This is a non-invasive, drugless, therapy aimed to bio stimulate your body’s natural hormone energy flow points, to relieve physical withdrawal symptoms. We use cold lasers, so it is not painful. This process is placed similarly to the common acupuncture elements. The cold laser is applied to the nose, wrists, hands, and ears. This stimulates the endorphins in our brain which makes us happy and reduces cravings.

* Detoxification – We include neutraceuticals, a detoxing vitamin kit to start the process from the inside out. By safely eliminating the 4,000+ chemicals in cigarettes we increase the odds of quitting smoking.

* Psychological – Therapy provides handouts with tips and tricks to get over quitting smoking. Including how to deal with daily behavior changes, what to do when your drinking and ways to avoid starting again. We provide a 24-hour clinical support line in case you feel like you’re going to start smoking again. We also provide “Power” of suggestion CD (hypnosis) that teaches you to alter the way you think and then behave. What we teach gives you the advantage to ensure long term success with goals and connections to the outcome

* Physical – Supporting the body nutritionally to rid it of toxic chemicals and aid the body in repairing the damage. Thus, stimulate endorphins to make you feel happy instead of smoking a cigarette and reduce the craving. Our goal is to use every angle possible to kick this bad habit and add years to your life!

Lasers for this treatment K laser and Thor, Stop smoking laser 4 step multi-phase equipment, How Stop Smoking Works

How to stop smoking at Body Beautiful

At Body Beautiful, we have two different types of lasers for this treatment, K laser, and Thor. We’re committed to obtaining the outcomes you want. So if one is not getting results fast enough, we switch or add a different laser. Our lasers can also do an appetite suppression treatment for weight loss. The Smoking Cessation treatment works best when combined with the Infrared Body Wrap. It improves circulation, cardiovascular, and immune systems. Most importantly the heat penetrates twice as deep getting the toxins and cellulite out of the skin and it promotes healthy weight loss as well.

Therefore, you can see why this is important in the process. Some companies use cheap knock-off brand lasers that aren’t strong enough to provide a strong enough treatment for results. With this in mind, be sure to do your research and make sure your getting the treatment that you pay for and aren’t getting ripped off!

Cool Laser, hypnosis, and learning to alter the way you think and then behave, which is what we teach, give you an advantage over other stop-smoking programs. Non-invasive, painless, drugless therapy aimed to bio stimulate your body’s natural hormone energy flow points, to relieve physical withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. Our established stop smoking method reduces the general impediments, irritations, and difficulties in people’s experience with other methods. This is from nicotine dependence being more than just a chemical substance dependency.

How Stop Smoking Works | Our treatment includes

Relieving the physical need for nicotine without using nicotine (patches, gum, etc.).

How Stop Smoking Works | Addressing the psychological aspects of addiction.

Helping the body through nutritional aspects to rid you of toxic chemicals substances.

Nicotine can work as an appetite craving suppressant which has the effect of many clients being concerned regarding increasing weight following their procedure. If the aforementioned concerns you, we can trigger supplementary points to assist in overcoming appetite including stimulating your metabolic rate.

When smokers decide to cut back or quit the lack of nicotine can leads to withdrawal signs both physically and mentally. The body can start responding to the cut of the nicotine causing physical withdrawal. When faced with giving up a habit, or other major changes in behavior, this is Psychologically a type of withdrawal. These withdrawals need to be addressed while ending smoking for success. Used to treat nicotine addiction, stimulate weight loss, reduce stress, and manage pain. The laser systems can assist in taking away the irritation, quick temper, and emotions of anxiety connected with giving up an addiction. If you need to quickly no longer think about using any form of tobacco we’re here to help. You get the secrets to permanently stay tobacco-free. Imagine forever free of nagging thoughts to smoke!

Are you ready to quit? Give us a call at 724 987 3221!

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