Skin Rejuvenatuion

Questions and Answers

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Skin Rejuvenation Questions and Answers

Q: Who can be treated with the eMatrix sublative laser?

A: It is Safe and Effected for all skin types.

Q: How does sublative work?

A: Delivers bipolar radiofrequency energy through a disposable tip. The radio frequency energy generates fractional Fraxel deep dermal heating in the region of the electrode matrix to induce skin injury, thus eliciting a wound healing response.

Sublative fractional Skin Rejuvenation works Questions and Answers, Sublative fractional skin treatments, Skin rejuvenation, Photofacial, fotofacial, rejuvenation, Restore volume, Stimulate collagen, Sun damaged skin, Dark Spots, age spots,

Q: What is the downtime?

A: There a minimal amount of downtime, you may notice slight swelling and blotchy redness post-treatment that should only last 1 to 2 days. Some refer to it as specs that look like coffee grounds. The skin may appear darker as it heals. This is due to the microscopic scabbing and isn’t noticeable and can be covered with makeup within minimally 36 hours.

Q: What does your skin feel like after a treatment?

A: Feels like a mild sunburn (warm feeling), approximately an hour, then the warm sensation subsides.

Q: When can I notice a difference?

A: Most people will need 3 treatments recommended, about 4-6 weeks apart. Although we have had patients notice a huge difference in one treatment!

Treatments are will vary from patient to patient depending on skin condition.

Q: How long do treatments take?

A: Should take about a half-hour but this will vary from patient to patient.

Q: Can I have sun exposure before or after treatment and or go tanning?

A: NO this could increase the chance of side effects. Definitely also avoid self-bronzers or tinting foundations.

Q: What other non-surgical services can be combined with eMatrix?

A: Fractional, Sublime skin tightening, Microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and photofacials.

Q: Can I wear makeup after treatment?

A: We recommend waiting for 48 hrs after treatment (at least 2 nights sleep of healing). Sensitive Lotion can be applied several hours after treatment, and again every 2-4 hours after.

Q: Can I exfoliate my skin after a treatment?

A: NO you don’t want to exfoliate after a treatment for at least a week. Only use gentle washes and a gentle moisturizer.


Get more information about the eMatrix Skin Rejuvenation Questions and Answers or Sublime by calling 724-987-3221.

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