Microneedling Skinpen


How Microneedling works, Pittsburgh Pa, Cranberry TWP PA, skin pen, micro needles, derma pen, dermal rollers, punctured holes, hera microneedle machine, needles, poke holes, wrinkles, fine lines, collagen, smooth texture, scars, divots, skin tone, Hyaluronic Acid, fast, stimulate collagen, eliminate scars, crow’s feet, upper lip wrinkles, fraxel laser, skin tightening, minimally invasive, minimal downtime, safe, price Microneedling Important Information, , skin pen, micro needles, derma pen, dermal rollers, punctured holes, hera microneedle machine, needles, poke holes, wrinkles, fine lines, collagen, smooth texture, scars, divots, skin tone, Hyaluronic Acid, fast, stimulate collagen, eliminate scars, crow’s feet, upper lip wrinkles, fraxel laser, skin tightening, minimally invasive, minimal downtime, safe, price Microneedling Frequently asked question icon, , skin pen, micro needles, derma pen, dermal rollers, punctured holes, hera microneedle machine, needles, poke holes, wrinkles, fine lines, collagen, smooth texture, scars, divots, skin tone, Hyaluronic Acid, fast, stimulate collagen, eliminate scars, crow’s feet, upper lip wrinkles, fraxel laser, skin tightening, minimally invasive, minimal downtime, safe, price Microneedling Before and afters videos and testimonials, , skin pen, micro needles, derma pen, dermal rollers, punctured holes, hera microneedle machine, needles, poke holes, wrinkles, fine lines, collagen, smooth texture, scars, divots, skin tone, Hyaluronic Acid, fast, stimulate collagen, eliminate scars, crow’s feet, upper lip wrinkles, fraxel laser, skin tightening, minimally invasive, minimal downtime, safe, pricepre and post care



Microneedling Treatment is now available at Body Beautiful Laser Medical Spa to help improve skin’s overall complexion by using needles to stimulate the healing process in the deep skin tissues. In the past, tools such as dermal rollers, manually punctured holes in the skin, similar to the Fractional 1540 or Sublative RadioFrequency lasers.

The newest technology out

Our microneedling pens have disposable cartridges with 9, 12, 36 and nano technology needles that control hundreds of micro-holes in the skin with the ability to adjust to different depths and speeds to focus repair depending on exactly what you’re treating.

Collagen stimulation therapy with microneedles has been conducted since ancient times. What makes today’s advancements unique is the adjustable tip of the Skin Pen, which penetrates the needles deep into the skin’s damaged layers. By a simple twist of the knob, Derma Pen’s needles penetrate at different lengths, stimulating collagen to eliminate scars and wrinkles.

Skin Pens Help Improve:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin tightening
  • Building collagen to help minimize wrinkles
  • Circulation and hydration
  • Smoother texture
  • Acne scars and divots
  • Balance overall uneven skin tone
  • Stretch Marks
  • Lax, aging, and thin skin
  • Damage from trauma or surgical scars
  • Large Pores, Clogged Pores, Cholesterol Deposits.
  • Aiding efficacy for topical skincare penetration

Skincare, Microneedling, face, smooth skin, microneedling,skin pen,micro needles,derma pen,dermal rollers,punctured holes,hera microneedle machine, needles,poke holes,

Great things come in small packages because the pen is so small (the size of a highlighter), aiming at a small area, it is easier than using a Fraxel laser. The Hera Microneedle Machine is perfect for crow’s feet, upper lip wrinkles, 11’s (lines between the eyebrows), or other fines lines.

MicroNeedling, Derma Pen or Skin Pen
Includes the Microneedling treatment and Microdermabrasion treatment (before numbing to help the treatment work better and further the results) plus numbing for comfort.
Session Triple Pass includedSpecial PricingAdd extra area only $49
1 Session$299Sale $249
3 Sessions$699Package Discount
5 sessions$999Only 200 per session
RF-MicroNeedling (Radio Frequency) – Includes the Radiofrequency Microneedling treatment and Microdermabrasion treatment (before numbing to help the treatment work better and further the results) plus numbing for comfort. 1 Session Large Area
$599Add extra area only $99
3 Sessions$1299
5 sessions$1999
Multiple Areas &/or Package Discount – Pending Consultation
Recommended Products HydroGel, Sunscreen, TNS Essential Serum, TNS Recovery Complex, Bacitracin, Neosporin, Mycocide (Amerigel), Gentamicin Sulfate, Melagel, Meladisk, hydrocortisone

Some Benefits of Derminator Skin Pen Includes:

  • Fast
  • Safe on all skin types
  • Scar or scab free healing
  • Minimally invasive
  • Does not ablate (remove) skin
  • Minimal downtime

Micro-needling stimulates the skin’s ability to naturally repair itself. As we age battle sun exposure, acne, and many other skin conditions, the natural architecture of our skin breaks down. This can lead to large pores, fine lines, and uneven skin texture. Through this skin remodeling, including the two proteins predominantly responsible for the structure of the skin, elastin and collagen formation will help the skin rejuvenation.

Hyaluronic acid for skin
from: Insta Natural, Vernal and Cosmedica Skincare.

Hyaluronic acid for skin, skin care products, Pittsburgh Pa, Cranberry TWP PA

We also recommend protecting your investment using SkinMedica Medical Grade Skin Care Products: TNS Essential Serum, Daily Moisturizer, Rejuvenating Toner, TNS Recovery Complex or Hyaluronic Acid serum.


RF Microneedling Treatment | Call Now for a FREE consultation 724 987 3221

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