Toenail Fungus Removal


How fungus removal works, Cranberry TWP PA, Discolored,, Real results, Wart Beautification, Testimonials, Nail health,Toenail Fungus Removal Frequently asked question, Cranberry TWP PA, Discolored, Real results, Wart Beautification, Testimonials, Nail health,Why choose us for fungus removal, Cranberry TWP PA, Discolored, Wart Beautification, Testimonials, Nail health,Toenail fungus before and after, videos, testimonials, Cranberry TWP PA, Discolored, Before and After, Picture, Videos, Real results, Wart Beautification, Testimonials, Nail health,Pre and post fungus removal, Cranberry TWP PA, Discolored, Before and After, Picture, Videos, Real results, Wart Beautification, Testimonials, Nail health,
Beauty foot peels button, Cranberry TWP PA, Discolored, Before and After, Picture, Videos, Real results, Wart Beautification, Testimonials, Nail health,

Advanced Toenail Fungus Removal Treatment, Fingernail Fungus Relief, and Wart Beautification Laser

Are you tired of thick discolored nails hurting in your shoes? Are you embarrassed by what people would think if they saw your unsightly nail or warts? Would you like a simple easy way to get rid of fungus or warts? Then, you may need Toenail Fungus Removal Treatment.

Advanced Toenail, Fingernail Fungus Relief and Wart Beautification Laser

Body Beautiful uses the latest technology, and best of all we are right in your backyard! For the Treatment of Fungal Nails, Onychomycosis, chronic pain, plantar warts.

Toenail fungus or fungal nails do not happen due to bad individual hygiene. In fact, you can wash your feet ten times a day and still be prone to getting the dreaded thick and discolored nail.

How did I get it?
Everybody has fungus on their toes and fingers. They are living organisms that are part of the “normal flora” of our skin. In other words, they live together with different types of bacteria on our skin. These living, fungal organisms usually do not cause any infection, but fungus is an opportunistic entity. It thrives in warm, moist environments

Symptoms of toenail fungus

  • Thickened and/or discolored
  • White, Black, Yellow or Green
  • Brittle, Cracked or crumbly
  • Swollen and painful nail bed
  • White or yellow patches or lines
  • Foul smell
  • Abnormal shape and deformities
  • Loosening, lifting of the nail or falling off of the nail
  • Loss of luster and shine
  • Dirt and debris stuck underneath
  • Discomfort wearing shoes and walking from deformities
  • Signs of toenails getting worst

fungus discolored nails hurting, Real results, Wart Beautification, Testimonials, Nail health,

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How Toenail Fungus Removal Treatment Happens

Yellow toenails affect hundreds of thousands of people every year. It is caused by a discolored nail fungus and has nothing to do with your personal hygiene. In fact, you can wash your feet 10 times a day.

If you damage your toenail such as someone stepping on it, you stubbing it, or dropping something on it the nail itself raises up ever so slightly and sometimes falls off all the way. So, when this happens the fungus finds a path beneath the nail and becomes shielded by the nail itself which allows it to lie dormant for any amount of time. As it gradually starts to infect the neighboring tissue, continuous variation in the nail may not be seen until some months after the damage. In fact, some people can’t even remember a specific incident that caused injury to a toe.

Whatever the reason, fungal toenails no longer have to be the embarrassing part of the body that we hide in the sand at the beach or paint all year round so nobody will see them. Difficulty in treating fungal infections of the nail is due to the infection being inside and under the toenail – not just on top. The method must enter the solid and thick nail in order to destroy the fungal infection. There are a number of treatments available to you. The following are some options depending upon the severity of the fungal infection.


There are many reasons for toe fungus, you may be more prone to getting it if you:

  • Poor circulation which causes them to grow more slowly
  • Diabetes
  • Minor skin or nail injuries
  • Have immune system problems
  • Getting manicures/pedicures in public places
  • Share nail tools
  • Wear closed footwear
  • Have wet feet for long periods of time
  • Go to public pools, shower rooms, gyms
  • Sweat excessively
  • Athletes foot
  • Wear nail polish
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Old age

Check out before and after pictures, testimonials from real patients and our fantastic patient video. Click the video below to see real results……

Remember, to further protect your investment, we recommend our clinically proven products to enhance and lengthen your results.

we will price match our online offers for Toenail fungus removal

Nail Fungus Removal Pricing

Laser Toenail Fungus Removal3 sessions & Includes topical medicine Pricing Regular
5 toes (One foot) 3 sessions

10 toes (Both feet) 3 sessions$549


Pending Free Consultation
Take Home Nail Fungus Lasers
*Do NOT look at the light coming from the device*
1 = $149
2 = $125 each
3 or more = $99 each
WartsMany strains respond very well to our treatment.1 (includes all 3 sessions) $99
3 (includes all 3 sessions) $225
Foot PeelAn innovative product for foot-care to help your feet become soft and smooth as a baby’s foot$25 (does both feet)
2 for $40
Recommended Products Formula 3, Clean Sweep (antifungal spray), Nailesse antifungal, Dani-Pro Medicated Polish, Molecular AS, Tineacide antifungal kit, shoe spray.

There are many different symptoms, signs, and types of onychomycosis. The five main types are Distal Lateral Subungual Onychomycosis (DLSO), White Superficial Onychomycosis (WSO), Proximal Subungual Onychomycosis (PSO), Endonyx Onychomycosis (EO) and Candidal Onychomycosis.

*Additional verification may be needed

Patients that suffer from psoriasis (or white dry patches of skin), often mistaken for other skin diseases, such as eczema or dermatitis. It is important to know that plaque psoriasis is a disorder of the immune system and may respond to various treatments, therefore you may not be a candidate for laser toenail treatment. Please consult with our primary foot care physician Dr. Christina Teimouri, DPM at 724 375 1577.

Many Patients who receive our Wart or Toenail Fungus Removal Treatment also benefit from Skin Tightening, Microdermabrasion, Teeth Whitening, Stretch Mark or Scar Removal.

Don’t Go Another Summer CALL Now for a Free Consultation for Toenail Fungus Removal Treatment 724 987 3221

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