Body Beautiful Laser Medical Spa

Stop Smoking, Chewing, Vaping and Addictions

As you may already know there’s a laser for many different issues from skincare concerns like active acne to foot issues like toenail fungus. But, did you know there’s even laser program to help patients to stop smoking, other addictions and weight loss. And guess what, it works!

If you’re a long-time vaper, chewer, smoker or nicotine user you’ve probably tried quitting at various points in your life. You may have tried everything from chewing and even vaping to going cold-turkey. Well, let’s talk about how our multi-faceted approach has started a following of successful recovering smokers and how it may help you to become nicotine-free in your life.

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Time for Change stop smoking

By no means is quitting nicotine an easy process or in-fact quitting anything that your body is used too. It always takes effort and most times involves being uncomfortable as you remove the bad toxins from your body. But, with our method, we can have relieving symptoms to you feeling better in no-time. One of the first difficulties you’ll face involves breaking the habit such as when smokers talk about having their nicotine fix shortly after eating or in between work breaks. This can pose a difficult challenge for smokers to overcome which is precisely why we offer this method to combat some of these tendencies.

Stop Smoking, Chewing and Vaping in Pittsburgh Pa

Our method

Here in our medical spa in Pittsburgh Pa, we couple the advantages of conventional acupuncture, ear stapling, nutraceuticals and hypnosis with the technology of light treatment. This creates one of the most advanced therapies possible for treating a variety of issues. The development and research of this allowed us to produce a powerful method which gave us an overall better perception of how to use these treatments. Our multi-faceted technology program enables us to deliver a great success rate. The technology involves processes that trigger the brain to create it’s own natural opiate agents to subdue withdrawal and desires. Behavior correction routines are used during and after the treatment to help overcome the psychological mindset of nicotine dependence. A nutritional and educational curriculum by our clinician of mental health practitioners is designed to support the body as it heals from these toxins. Our success is based on a 4 level multi-phase method to include aspects of assisting the process of quitting.

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Reduce cravings

Body Beautiful uses Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to suppress smoking cravings. This is a non-invasive, drugless, treatment intended to bio stimulate your body’s natural hormone energy flow points, to relieve physical withdrawal symptoms. We use cold lasers, so it is not painful. This process is placed similarly to the common acupuncture elements. The cold laser is applied to the nose, wrists, hands, and ears. This stimulates the endorphins in our brain which makes us happy and reduces cravings.


We include neutraceuticals, a detoxing vitamin kit to start the process from the inside out. By safely eliminating the 4,000+ chemicals in cigarettes we increase the odds of quitting smoking.


Therapy provides handouts with tips and tricks to get over quitting smoking. Including how to deal with daily behavior changes, what to do when your drinking and ways to avoid starting again. We provide a 24-hour clinical support line in case you feel like you’re going to start smoking again. We also provide “Power” of suggestion CD (hypnosis) that teaches you to alter the way you think and then behave. What we teach gives you the advantage to ensure long term success with goals and connections to the outcome


Supporting the body nutritionally to rid it of toxic chemicals and aid the body in repairing the damage. Thus, stimulate endorphins to make you feel happy instead of smoking a cigarette and reduce the craving. Our goal is to use every angle possible to kick this bad habit and add years to your life!

We all know from many studies that cigarettes and nicotine and other tobacco-related products are not good for your health. We have a big write up of smoking facts including harmful chemicals found in cigarettes and why smoking is harmful which you may want to check out. Additionally, we offer an advanced teeth whitening program to help with self confidence after smoking. We hope this article provided some insight into how our process works and how you’re able to be successful for years to come.

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Happy after Laser Treatment
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