Spider Veins
Questions and answers
Spider Veins Question and Answers
Q: What are spider veins?
A: Spider veins are blue, purple, or red veins, usually the size of a fine string. They resemble spider webs, hence their name “spider veins.” The spider veins usually appear on the face, chest, and legs.
Q: What are varicose veins?
A: Varicose veins look like blue/purple cords or knots just under the skin’s surface, usually on the legs. Varicose veins have lost their ability to transfer blood from the heart and lungs to the legs. While the veins are not disabling, they are uncomfortable and chronic. They can cause swelling, pain, heaviness, and can cause leg cramps. They can also lead to blood clots, ulcers, and phlebitis.
Q: Why do I have spider veins?
A: Spider veins can appear for several reasons including hormones, genetics, trauma, pregnancy, weight gain, or occupation that involves prolonged sittings.
Q: What can I do to prepare for my procedure?
A: If you are tan, allow 3-4 weeks for the tan to fade completely. Do not use self-tanners, bronzer, lotion, or makeup over the area being treated.
Q: Will insurance cover my procedure?
A: If you have a Varicose Vein health concern, insurance will cover it because it can cause more serious health problems. Unfortunately, spider veins are considered cosmetic and will not be covered by insurance.
Q: Is the procedure painful?
A: It’s described as a warm pinch or a rubber band snapping. Following treatment, you may be red and feel warm for 2-3 days. This is normal. Immediately after, the spider veins will turn pinkish, and then as they heal they’ll turn brown and will be absorbed by the body like a bruise.
Q: Will I need to get my spider veins retreated?
A: Though you may need either or both a combination of Varicose or Spider vein treatments – With our innovative procedures, there is less than a 1% chance of spider veins returning.
Q: How many treatments will I need?
A: Most people only need one or two treatments. You can do touch up treatments as necessary if new ones appear.
Q: When can I resume normal activities?
A: Enjoy a couple of days off from strenuous physical activity. Avoid sun exposure between treatments. R.I.C.E. – Rest Ice Compression Elevation.
Q: What is RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome)?
A: RLS is an irresistible urge to move due to odd or uncomfortable sensations. It’s uncomfortable mostly in the legs.
Q: Why do I need compression stockings?
A: Compression stockings push the dilated vein walls back into place, and help them efficiently pump blood throughout the body. This helps blood flow which also reduces pain, swelling, fatigue, and possible blood clots.
Q: How long should I avoid sun exposure after sclerotherapy?
A: You should wear sunscreen and avoid tanning and sun exposure for a minimum of 4-8 weeks.
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