Cosmetic Injection


At Body Beautiful, we take pride in educating our patients with a cosmetic injection glossary. We realized our site could have words that may not be common for some. We have made a glossary (referral source) for you to utilize when you come across a word you may not know the definition of. Please take advantage of these educational before and after pictures/videos and many other resources available on our site. If you have any question don’t hesitate to call 724 987 3221

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Allergan – a global industry leader in pharmaceutical and cosmetics company. The Allergan Brand collection highlights six franchises in important corrective categories, including – Dermatology, Aesthetics, Eye Care, CNS, Women’s Health, Urology, GI, Cystic Fibrosis, Cardiovascular and Infectious Disease.

Anesthetic – a substance that decreases the sensitivity to pain.

Topical – liquid, gel, ointment or cream applied on top of skin that affects the area where it’s applied.

Injectable – numbing shot, such as lidocaine.

Cheek Terminology – Cheek can be re-volumized by adding injections of fillers to create a more youthful look, sometimes referred to as the “upside down triangle.”

Apple – round, top part of the cheek

Apex – as it pertains to the cheek – the highest point; the vertex: the apex of a triangle; the apex of a hill.

Hollow Cheeks – Condition describing the collagen and fat inside of the cheeks that may be a sign of aging.

Belotero: dermal filler that improves fine lines and wrinkles by reducing nasolabial folds on the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth.

Botox – A cosmetic treatment that involves an injectable made with botulinum toxin for cosmetic or medical benefits: Such as sweat glands, age lines, crow’s feet, wrinkles, rejuvenation around patient’s eyes and forehead. The toxin typically lasts 3 – 4 months.

Brow Furrows – A furrow is a groove or a depression. Example – furrows were created in the soil for water to flow. Now, its most common meaning is of a deep line or wrinkle on the face, as in a “furrowed brow.”

Bunny Lines – Like many facial expression lines, bunny lines can occur naturally through the process of aging or if someone regularly crinkles their nose when they laugh or make other expressions. Furthermore, bunny lines can sometimes appear following botox injections – in this case, they’re sometimes nicknamed ‘Botox bunny lines’.

Chin Wrinkles – As skin loses its elasticity, lines and wrinkles on the lower part of the face can crop up as quickly, such as those on your forehead. Grooves connecting the chin and lower lip can occur the effect of too much sun, recurring facial expressions, genes, mass loss or smoking. While total removal is difficult, an expert injector can recommend ways to flatten, smooth and lessen the appearance of chin wrinkles.

Collagen – The most abundant protein in the human body that provides structure and support to the skin, acting as the “glue” between skin and muscle. Renewed Collagen can give plumpness and a fuller healthier glow to many parts of the face and body.

Collagen Therapy – A process that increases collagen through facial treatments, skin resurfacing, skin rejuvenation or injections of collagen underneath the skin to fill out wrinkles and lumps.

Contraindications – In medicine, it is a condition or factor that serves as a reason to refrain from a certain medical treatment due to risk versus the benefit that it would cause the patient. A contraindication is the opposite of indication, which is a reason to use a certain treatment.

Crow’s Feet – Wrinkles around your eyes that are caused by using the muscles to do repeated strenuous smiling or squinting. Crow’s feet can be reduced or eliminated with Botox injections, facial rejuvenation treatments, laser skin resurfacing and skin care products.

Dysport – An injectable protein that’s made from Bacterium Clostridium Botulinum used for wrinkle treatment It which relaxes fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and other places on the body.

Facial Fillers – Fillers are injectable treatments made from natural collagen and hyaluronic acid used to enhance volume, eliminate wrinkles, enhance lips and fill scar lines. We offer Juvederm, Restylane, Silk, Lyft, Voluma, Radiesse fillers, and Sculptra.

Forehead lines – As our body ages, the skin loses its elasticity and can lead to fine lines and wrinkles. When a person makes the same facial expression repeatedly, lines can then form to create forehead wrinkles and be called worry lines or expression lines. Stress can also cause a person to form quite a bit of these line through frowning, which can eventually turn into permanent lines, wrinkles or folds. A fine line can be obscured with moderate makeup. Wrinkles tend to be made worse with makeup, as the makeup sinks into the crevices of the face it may almost highlight them.

Fuller Cheeks – A term used to describe someone that has benefited from cosmetic treatments where a patient’s hollowed cheeks become more volumized with top injectables (hyaluronic acid products) such as Restylane, Silk, Lyft, Juvederm Ultra Plus or Voluma injections, Sculptra or other facial fillers.

Fuller Lips – A term used to describe someone that benefited from a cosmetic treatment where the lips can be re-volumized with an implant, fillers or natural collagen (e.g. Juvederm ultra or Restylane Silk) to increase volume. To have a subtle, radiant appearance or a more youthful mouth, the parenthesis can also be filled in.

Cosmetic Injection Glossary

Galderma – is a company which concentrates in dermatological treatments, pharmaceutical research, development, and marketing. Galderma produces Dysport (Bacterium Clostridium Botulinum) and the Restylane line of fillers and many other top injectables around the globe. It became a subsidiary of Nestle in 2014.

Injectables (Cosmetic) – A general term for injections or fillers consisting of hyaluronic acid, collagen, synthetic compounds and botulinum toxin-A, which can be injected into the skin to remove or fill wrinkles. Results are usually temporary.

Injection (inject) – The process of inserting a substance into the skin for medical or aesthetic (cosmetic) reasons.

Juvederm – An F.D.A. approved injectable gel created with hyaluronic acid that eliminates wrinkles, thinned cheeks, and deep facial lines.

Juvederm Ultra XC – Used for Lipa and finer lines, but can also be used for Marionette Lines, Nasolabial Folds, Perioral Lines, and Oral Commissures

Juvederm Ultra Plus – Used for Marionette Lines, Nasolabial Folds, Perioral Lines, and Oral Commissures. In addition, Ultra Plus may be used for lip augmentation in adults over 21.

Juvederm Voluma – Used for Anteromedial Cheek, Submalar Region, Zygomatic Arch

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) – also called hyaluronan, and can be very large, water absorbing molecule. It is one of the chief components of the extracellular matrix, hyaluronan contributes significantly to cell migration and proliferation. A viscous gel-like fluid present in connective tissue and present in the humor of the eyeball.

Kybella – An FDA approved Allergan product made of deoxycholic acid (naturally found in the body) that destroys the fat cells in the fatty tissue below the chin, to help remove unsightly “double chins.

Lidocaine – anesthetic w/ sedative, analgesic, and cardiac depressant characteristics, used topically in the form of the base or hydrochloride salt as a local anesthetic; furthermore practiced in the latter form for cardiac arrhythmias and to provide several nerve blocking and infiltration anesthesia.

Liquid Face Lift – is a temporary cosmetic procedure, it is not a true facelift. Well done liquid facelifts offer strong advantages to patients and look natural in the process.
Facelifts grant permanent lasting benefits to patients and remarkable natural look in the process. Modern facelifts often use all-natural fillers such as fat or filler to augment volume. A liquid facelift involves placing multiple types of fillers and toxic into the face. The benefits are temporary (about 1 year). To achieve the effect of a facelift, it is not uncommon to spend $2000- $4000 in injectables. Another “liquid facelift” could also be considered fat injections, with no tightening of the skin and restructuring of the deep layer. However, the recovery of fat injection for the entire face is extensive, probably longer than that for a real facelift. Many patients who don’t possess the healing time or funds for a facelift or want to look great in a hurry (reunions, interviews, etc.) surely benefit from fillers. Fillers are wonderful to enhance areas of lost volume.

Marionette Lines – vertical wrinkles or lines that run from the nose down the chin – can result from too much sun, genes, recurring facial expressions, weight loss or smoking.

Micro-botox, Meso Botox or intradermal botox: the procedure of injecting Botox (botulinum) into the dermis of the skin.

Midface – the middle of the face including the nose and its associated bony structures.

Nasolabial Folds – Fold parentheses as “smile lines” or “laugh lines”, are facial characteristics. They’re the pair skin creases that appear from each side of the nose to the edges of the mouth. It’s determined by facial structures that support the Buccal fat pad. They separate the cheek area from the upper lip.

Oral Commissures – the edge of the lips, where the vermillion edge of the upper lip (superior labium) meets that of the lower lip (inferior labium). The commissure is essential in facial features, especially during function such as smiling.

Perioral Lines – Vertical Lip Lines around the mouth.

Radiesse – A dermal injectable gel created with calcium hydroxyapatite that eliminates wrinkles by stimulating the body’s natural production of collagen. Other fillers are usually preferred on the face due to the reversal of procedure if the results were not exact. This product is the favorite for hand rejuvenation.

Re-Liposuction – Minimally invasive surgical procedure that optimizes liposuction by removing the unwanted fat (from love handles, belly, back, arms, thighs, etc.). Fat is repositioned to another area where more volume or fullness is needed, such as the breasts, face and/or backside.

Restylane – FDA approved dermal filler based with hyaluronic acid that removes facial wrinkles and adds volume to lips, cheeks Marionette Lines, Nasolabial Folds, Perioral Lines, Oral Commissures. Made of a biodegradable, hyaluronic acid (NASHA) which is non-animal stabilized. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance seen in all existing organisms and presents volume and fullness to the skin. Restylane is a gel of hyaluronic acid.

Restylane-L: dermal filler injectable that provides improvement for facial wrinkles and nasolabial folds

Restylane Defyne: a dermal filler (hyaluronic acid) for the use of filling in wrinkles and folds on the face around the nose and mouth.

Restylane Lyft – Facial filler made with hyaluronic acid that reduces fine lines and facial wrinkles in the cheek area. – Anteromedial Cheek, Submalar Region, Zygomatic Arch, etc.

Restylane Refyne: a dermal filler used to restore the fine line and wrinkles (nasolabial folds and marionette lines)

Restylane Silk – very smooth filler that can help you achieve your ideal smile. FDA-approved Restylane Silk specially created for lip enhancement and the smoothing of creases around the mouth in patients 21 years of age and older.

Cosmetic Injection Glossary

Sculptra – an all-natural, non-surgical treatment to restore the lost volume of aging to a more youthful appearance. Being a naturally occurring substance in the human body, Sculptra is eventually completely absorbed by the body.

Sclerotherapy – Chemical injection into a vein to reduce or eliminate the vessel.

Submalar Region – Of or relating to the zygomatic bone or the cheek.

Tear Trough – The tear trough should be defined as the depression of the medial lower eyelid just to the side of the upper part of the nose, on the orbital rim of the eye socket.

Touch Up – additional injection of a smaller amount, usually given about 2 weeks after the initial injection, to help achieve optimal desired results.

Vein Reduction – A treatment or Elimination Technique for the reduction or elimination of unsightly veins, where a sclerosing carrier product is injected into unwanted vessels on the legs and face.

Vollure: Juvederm Vollure is a filler for restoring a youthful look by improving wrinkles and folds on the face.

Voluma: an injectable gel that promotes and provides volume in the face (cheeks).

Vycross technology – a unique manufacturing process that provides a high concentration smooth consistency cross-linked HA for a lasting result.

Xeomin: is an FDA approved injectable (incobotulinumtoxinA) for the treatment of frown, glabellar lines by the eyebrows.

Xylocaine – (lidocaine HCl, XC) a sterile injection containing a local anesthetic agent with or without epinephrine and administered via injection.

Zygomatic Arch – Also called zygoma this arch forms a bridge within the temporal bone and cheekbone on each side of the face of mammals.

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