Top laser treatments for this season

The laser season is here and now is the best time to come in to get treated for one of our many services. Let’s take a look at the top treatments for the 2022 laser season. Or visit our laser treatment page to see a full list of services. 

Laser Hair Removal has become the most popular method for many areas of the body including the back, chest, underarms, and bikini, laser hair reduction is the best solution for permanent hair reduction. If you’re tired of ingrown hairs, cuts, scars, and shaving in general then laser hair removal is for you. Proven to deliver safe, effective treatments on the broadest range of hair colors, for most Fitzpatrick skin types. 

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Photofacial treatment is the gold standard

We all want clear skin, but nature has a way of sabotaging us with frustrating imperfections, especially as we age and as sun damage accumulates or redness on our face becomes more obvious. Fortunately, Photofacial treatments and Skin rejuvenation have advanced beyond the painful procedures of the past. If you’ve had just a little too much fun in the sun which may cause wrinkles, crow’s feet, dark spots, and age spots. then photofacial might just be the treatment you need. With little to no downtime, photocials can help improve the skin’s overall look and feel. 

One of the fastest and safest ways to remove spider veins and similar discolorations is through the use of multiple technologies – whether is a 1064 YAG or Intense Pulse Light (IPL) therapy- we can get the job done. Large areas can be treated quickly and easily, with less damage. IPL targets red and brown discolorations such as spider veins below the skin’s surface while protecting the other layers of the skin.

cherry spider veins before
face, hands, woman,Laser face treatments, Woman holding face

Although there is no cure for Rosacea, you can treat symptoms to reduce flare-ups, red spots, and other vascular issues which can last several weeks to months. Body Beautiful can help Rosacea and broken capillaries using a combination therapy modality (ND Yag, IPL Fotofacial, and Diode Lasers) for both soft tissue conditioning and visible capillary proliferation. If you suffer from thous types of issues our rosacea treatments can help. 

This state-of-the-art laser operates by treating deep blemishes and imperfections such as irregular skin texture, enlarged pores, skin wrinkles, and even acne scarring in just a single treatment session. Head over to our full page to learn more about the amazing results our patients get when using the XEO Pearl Profractional.

Woman, Body Beautiful Products, Skinmedica, botox, Juvederm, injectbles, facial fillers,
teeth whitening pre and post care

Lasers are the most effective treatment option for skin rejuvenation. They are the only treatment that both exfoliates but also tightens collagen, which restores elasticity. Lasers can make patients look up to 25 years younger with permanent results. Some of these treatments include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, photo facials, fractional laser, lamprobe, or our newest treatment option, the PicoSure FOCUS Lens Array.

Call now to schedule your appointment at 724-987-3221

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