Permanent Makeup Treatment Options – In order to give the appearance of larger, more pouty lips. As time progresses onward, our lips start to develop a thinner, irregular and more faded look. The lips take a lot of wear and tear as we mature. Women want plump, colorful, well-defined lips, which we enjoyed in our youth. Over time, sun damage, medical conditions, hormonal changes, and tissue trauma all contribute to loss of definition and natural color. A permanent makeup application is a major contributor to a more youthful appearance.
Permanent Makeup Treatment Options | Lip Liner
Permanent Makeup Lip liner can produce the appearance of a further defined lip or even out an asymmetrical lip edge. Most women eventually want to have their whole lip colored in permanently because it looks the most natural.
What to expect with Permanent Lip Color and Lip Liner
Lip color tone and lip liner tend to be dark upon the conclusion of the first application. This is temporary, expect the lips to go through some changes. Lips will be darker the following day and around the tenth day will look like they were never done; about the twelfth to the fourteenth day, the pigment resurfaces. So expect that one minute your lips will look very dark, the next hour they will look like nothing was done at all. Sometimes the pigment may even appear to have vanished from the treated area completely. It is still there but went in rather as a “primer” coat that will be brought to the surface with a second application. This occurs because of the certain qualities on an individual’s skin; it usually has nothing to do with the type of pigment used or the way it was applied.
Lips may feel chapped for several days, and its recommended that you apply A&D Ointment, which can be purchased at your local drug store. Bruising may also occur, however, it is usually minor and may appear in a typical “black and blue” patch or streak, or in red. If you feel it necessary, any bruising may be concealed with makeup. While using this kind of product, evade getting it on the now permanent makeup line itself. Baby oil (mineral oil) is probably the best way to remove this concealer without disturbing the permanent makeup – this does not mean you can use baby oil on the treated area but ONLY to remove the concealer.
Permanent Makeup Treatment Options | Eyebrows
Permanent eyebrows are for individuals who have very light, thin or no brow at all. It is an excellent alternative to applying pencil daily and spares the embarrassment of losing your eyebrows due to swimming, perspiring or wiping your forehead. Eyebrows are a key feature in the face, so without them, our ability to communicate is lost because your face appears expressionless. Of the three primary permanent makeup procedures: eyebrows, lips and eyeliner, I consider the eyebrows to be the most important feature to a person’s overall appearance. I have worked with some clients who have no brow hair at all, although the spare hair is also very common, due to over-tweezing or aging. Permanent eyebrows help normalize a person’s lifestyle and/or put a traumatic event, such as an accident or medical condition behind them.
What to Expect with Permanent Eyebrows
With brows, the right one may not match the left if the swelling has gone down in one area and not the other. If you are concerned about any reaction you are experiencing please contact me at the number below.
Brows may scab over and have “Groucho Marx” appearance that lasts for a few days, but when the scab lifts there’s beautiful brow underneath. If you get a scab let it heal naturally – don’t pick at it, or the line will not appear uniform. Hands and fingernails have the most potential for bacteria.
During the touch-up applications, makeup can be balanced, supplemented, darkened, lightened, moved, changed or altered in any way necessary. This is when we lengthen a brow or move them closer.
What to Expect with Permanent Eyeliner
With conventional cosmetics, applying pencil or liquid eyeliner is one of the more challenging makeup tasks we do in makeup application. We have to tug at our eyelid; it smudges and it’s difficult to apply. However, Permanent Makeup doesn’t smudge, and there is no more tugging or pulling on delicate eyelid tissue(may cause wrinkles). Permanent Makeup eyeliner is applied the right way can uplift a drooping eye. What does the procedure feel like? This procedure tickles more than anything. No one wants anyone near their eyes, however, once the area is numb this procedure can be quick and is quite tolerable and well worth the outcome.
What to Expect Overall
Each procedure behaves differently after its application. Depending on which procedure you’ve had done, you will see various changes that occur in the next 14 days. Immediately after the procedure is done your makeup may look like it has been stamped on your face. This is normal and will become natural looking as it lightens and heals.
After your micropigmentation (permanent makeup) procedure you may experience swelling. This can result from the procedure itself, or from cream or ointment applied during or after (that’s why I suggest you apply A&D Ointment only, with clean hands) otherwise do not disturb the treated area.
Very rarely is the swelling excessive, but in any degree, it is nothing to worry about. It is usually short-lived. Cold compress at ten-minute intervals can control this. When the swelling dissipates, it usually goes down in one area first and then the other.
Due to varying degrees of difficulty of applications associated with lip/skin texture, scarring or wrinkles around lip lines from cold sores, age, laser treatments, medications, smoking, sun or tanning bed exposure, and skincare products, we can not guarantee “perfect” results in two visits. Hence, if variations in lip color form from the above-mentioned conditions further procedures may be required. These conditions also affect the longevity or the permanent cosmetics causing some persons to require maintenance sooner than others.
Permanent Makeup Treatment Options
Natural Eyelashes
Want your natural eyelashes to be thicker, fuller, and longer? Now you can have it all with this amazing Latisse solution.
Eyelash Extensions
Eyelash extensions are a painless application and the final result should lead to beautiful accented for your eyes.
Benefits of Eyelash Extensions
Looks like real lashes
Great for swimming and workouts
No longer a need for mascara
Perfect for weddings, proms, reunions, and everyday life!
Join the new fashion trend that is rapidly spreading across the nation. Stars Liz Hurley, Paris Hilton, Nicole Kidman, and Sandra Bullock all wear eyelash extensions.
Now you too can have long, beautiful, yet natural looking eyelashes
24 hours a day, 7 days a week without the hassles of mascara.
Permanent Makeup Treatment Options | Special Procedures
Other Permanent Makeup Procedures
There are other cosmetic tattooing procedures: beauty marks, areola (nipple) restoration, cleft lip camouflage, and scar camouflage.
Scar Relaxation or Needling
One of the most exciting new news for permanent cosmetics or micro pigmentation has been its application in the treatment of scars. “ Relaxation in the scar tissue” can be achieved; thus the patient can assume a more normal appearance with increased comfort. It is not unusual for the patient to feel immediate relief from an initial scar relaxation treatment.
The hypothesis for the success of a single needle is that the applied energy to the scar tissue band is highly focused like a surgical laser. Thus, the surrounding tissue is minimally affected by physical disruption and, therefore, minimal secondary scarring results. With this precision, the practitioner can safely select the areas for scar disruption.
In those situations in which there have been no color changes but only scar contractures, the practitioner can treat these areas with a “dry probe” after applying an antiseptic and/or anesthesia, followed by a light lubricant.
Thus, a scar that is over a year old can be colorized with flesh tone pigments to blend in with surrounding skin tissue (for example plastic surgery scars). This would be considered scar camouflage.
Camouflage, Scar Camouflage or Color Neutralization
The traditional approach to skin camouflage was to cover the affected area with 1 or 2 colors. This static approach is unsuccessful and leaves an obvious artificial appearance. With the use of a pointillistic approach and multiple colors with tonal variance, the practitioner can achieve a more natural, blended and three-dimensional appearance to the skin.
For example, nipple areolas – A woman, who has had a mastectomy where the nipple/areola wasn’t replaced, can have pigment implanted so that the appearance of an areola is evident.
Areola Restoration is for anyone, man or woman, who would prefer to camouflage their scars following a breast augmentation, reduction, mastectomy or those who wish to enhance the areola by adding more color tone to unevenness.
Pigment Lightening and Pigment Lifting Process
There are many products and processes that strive to lift or lighten the unwanted pigment. Lifting or correction is attempted by irritating the skin, inducing accelerated exfoliation, controlled by burning the skin with various laser treatments or the process of dermabrasion, sanding of the skin. All of these methods represent an assault on the skin, thus increasing the probability of scarring.
First, the client must inform the technician how long the pigment has been in the skin. It is easier to get fresh pigment out of the skin, versus pigment that’s been in the skin for a longer period of time (this is the opposite for laser). That being said, the success rate of lifting small amounts of pigment with this relatively new method has proven quite successful.
Please call 724-680-0048 for additional Permanent Makeup Treatment Options information.
If I am performing a treatment, please leave a detailed message and I will call you back within the hour.