Laser Hair Removal
Important Information
We Stand Behind Our Work
Hair Removal Important Information – We only use the best state-of-the-art lasers, so you only need 6-8 treatments to maximize hair removal. Other companies may require more time and money because they use inferior lasers. Everybody has different types of hair, book a consultation now to determine your best options.
Aesthetic Lasers target specific chromophores (color) in the skin, usually melanin or blood. When treating unwanted hair the lasers damage those chromophores. This process heats them selectively while leaving neighboring tissue intact. The melanin from the hair follicles allows the laser to target it which results in the disruption of hair growth. Our diode, Nd Yag, and IPL lasers are complemented by cooling technology and other pain reducing techniques.

Laser Parameters that get Results (Body Beautiful carries All of these types):
Pulsed Diode array – 810 nm & 755 nm (Lumenis and Alexandrite)
Argon – 488 or 514.5 nm
Ruby – 694 nm
Nd Yag 1064 nm (multiple manufacturers)
IPL and BBL wavelengths available
Cutera, Cynosure, Candela, Palomar Icon, LyraScope gentle Yag, Syneron, Lumenis Lightsheer Diode Lasers offer safe and effective treatments on all skin types including tanned skin, broadest range hair colors, diameters, and depths. The recognized “Gold Standards” for hair & vein reduction, this family of laser systems represents a quintessential state-of-the-art package.
The human body is covered with millions of hair follicles, each independently cycling through the three phases of the hair-growth cycle. Lips, soles of the feet and palms of the hands are among the limited places on the human body where the hair is not found. Human hair growth occurs randomly. Although it’s dead material the hair mostly protein keratin plus follicles which produce it are the portions of the body’s epidural skin structure.
Be sure you are not increasing risk through a topical, oral or other type of substance on or in your body during treatment. The average person receives 18 hours of unexpected sun
exposure a week. There is an increased risk of Post Inflammatory (PIH) if exposed to tanning beds or the sun too quickly after treatment.
The Vectus Laser Treatments
Hair Removal Important Information – Vectus laser features the largest target area size and most evenly distributed beams approved on the market today. We quickly treat your unwanted hair in small or large areas in just minutes! The Vectus’s sapphire tips are made with Advanced Contact Cooling to help protect your skin and remain comfortable during treatment. The Vectus also uses the Skintel Melanin Reader, which is the only FDA approved melanin reader, to help specific settings safely remove hair tailored for each patient’s skin type.
The Vectus provides solutions to the widest range of hair and skin types. The most optimal candidates for Vectus Hair Removal are men and women with lighter skin tones and medium-dark hair. Patients with very dark skin tones are suggested to use our YAG laser.
Our MaxR and LuxR are used for darker hair reduction on light to medium skin. The MaxY and LuxY are used for blonde hair removal, on lighter skin types.

Additional Shaving Fee May Apply |
Your selected area should be shaved before coming in, even for your first session. There is a fee if we need to perform this service for you: $10 for small areas |
We do not need to see where the hair is growing. Our trained professionals are looking at the root (under the skin), to permanently shut down future hair growth. Hair left on the surface can increase energy and risk of unwanted surface burning. |
“Don’t worry” its a myth, when you shave it will not come back thicker and darker. If this was true, bald men across the country would shave their head hoping it would come in thicker and darker “You can’t change genetics with a razor”. What is happening here is that the newly “cut” hair is now poking through the skin with a sharp end too it, and stiffer shaft, giving the feeling of a man’s scruffy beard. |
It is best to clean the area before coming in, remove make-up, topicals, antiperspirants, etc. It is especially important to avoid products that have self-tanners, bronzer, including make-up that can “tint” the skin tone. |
If you’ve had laser hair removal done elsewhere and were dissatisfied with the results, we may be able to help. If you require more than 6 treatments, we can do additional treatments at a discounted ‘maintenance’ or ‘touch-up’ price. |
The anagen hair phase is the only one that can cauterize the blood supply to the hair, thus causing the hair follicle to die, so it won’t reproduce that individual hair that was killed.
Approximately 80 to 90 percent of a healthy individual’s hair is in the anagen phase, a time when the hair is actively growing.
Is a stage which is a brief period of change between the anagen and telogen stages. This phase lasts only one to three weeks. However, near the end of the catagen stage, movement of the dermal papilla occurs, setting the stage for hair re-growth.

Target Chromophore for Hair Reduction

The solving of mysteries in many detective shows and stories, as well as real-life crimes, often hinge on the forensic analysis of hairs left behind by the perpetrator. These hairs are generally naturally shed during the telogen phase. People lose between fifty and one hundred fifty scalp hairs every day. Throughout this period the hairs are only anchored with friction amid the club-shaped root bulb and follicle. The FBI stats the for their Evidence Reports these hairs shed easily during the telogen phase, it takes force to remove hair during the anagen phase. The telogen phase generally persists for 2 or 3 months, a dormant phase before the growth phase starts again.
Hair Follicles
Two distinct structures the first consist of the follicle itself which remains in the skin and the second is the shaft visible above the scalp. the follicle in the epidermis is a segment that continues down toward the dermis. This formation includes many layers that all produce a separate function. Near the root of the follicle is the papilla. The Papilla comprises of capillaries or small plasma vessels that supply the cells. Surrounding the papilla is a living part of the hair near the bottom called the bulb and every 23 to 72 hours they divide, this is remarkably quicker than any other cell in the body.
Hair Shafts
Is composed of a tough protein termed keratin which is also made in 3 layers. The protein become terminated, so seen hair is not a living structure. The inside zone is called medulla, the next layer is called the cortex, and the external zone the cuticle. The external zone the cuticle provides the bulk of the hair shaft which is a tightly shaped arrangement composed of shingle-like overlying scales. It is both the cortex and medulla that holds the hair’s pigment, giving it color.
Hirsutism refers to excessive hair growth on the body. Excessive hair growth can be much more than just a cosmetic problem for some individuals. For women, it means an overabundance of androgens in the blood. Excessive hair growth is a combination of too many androgens and an enzyme in the hair follicle that is very sensitive to abnormal amounts of hormones. Men produce much larger quantities of testosterone than females, their excess hair growth can be more extreme.