Deep Wrinkle Reduction

Questions and answers

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Questions and Answers, FAQ, Q and A, Frequently asked Questions, Deep Wrinkle Reduction

Wrinkle Reduction FAQ

PicoSure Focus Lens Array

Q: What does the Focus Lens Array do?

A: This laser is the newest treatment in the aesthetic industry for treating acne scars, wrinkles, freckles, sun spots, stretch marks, and skin rejuvenation. It’s the only picosecond laser that uses 100x faster pulses with minimal-no downtime.

Q: Why should I choose the Focus Lens Array?

A: While most lasers use heat, the PicoSure uses short pulses that create a photochemical impact (pressure wave), which then forms shockwaves inside the skin to stimulate collagen without any damage.

Q: What does the treatment feel like?

A: Treatments are easy and quick, usually 30 minutes or less. Patients experience a warm sensation and slight redness over the target area; this may last up to 24 hours. There is no downtime and you can resume your regular activities right away.

Q: What are the benefits of the Focus Lens Array treatment?

A: Patients will see high success with this treatment in both texture and skin tone and also noticeable results in smoothing fine lines and wrinkles due to collagen enhancement.

Q: Is Focus Lens Array FDA approved?

A: Yes. Focus Lens Array treatments are safe for all skin types and FDA-approved.

Q: Can I use Focus Lens Array if I’m pregnant?

A: No, we recommend patients not be pregnant or nursing during treatment.

Q: How many treatments will I need?

A: Most people need 3-5 treatments over 2-4 months. We will decide on the best treatment plan based on your skin condition and goals during your initial consultation. We also recommend yearly or bi-yearly touch-ups and using skincare products from SkinMedica to maintain the best results.

Q: How long is the downtime?

A: There is almost no downtime with the Focus Lens Array. Patients can immediately return to their activities after treatment but may experience mild redness for a few hours.

Q: What should I do post-treatment?

A: Before and after your Focus Lens Array treatment, avoid sun exposure (and tanning beds, bronzers, lotions, etc.) for 4 weeks. If sun exposure is unavoidable, use SPF 45+ on exposed areas. Also, avoid saunas, hot baths and showers, pools, body lotions, creams, perfumes, and tight clothing for 2 days post-treatment.

Q: Can I have sun exposure with the Focus Lens Array?

A: No; sun exposure will impair your results and increase your risk of burns and sun damage.

Q: How much does the Focus Lens Array cost?

A: We offer several packages and payment plans for our patients which we will discuss during the consultation since everyone’s skin condition varies. Check out our VIP program perks to receive 50% off most laser services and discounts on much more (Botox, fillers, liposuction).

Call Now for more Wrinkle Reduction FAQ  724-987-3221

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