Body Contouring

Questions and Answers

Body Contouring home page button link, , laser lipo, lipo dissolve, electrothermal, thermigen, thermage, thermotherapy, body lift, accent, ultra accent, ultra xl, body slimming, tone, tighten, ultrashape, endermologie, velasmooth, lipomassage, bella contour, liptron 3000, mesotherapy, laser lipolysis, smart lipo, non invasive fat reduction, cool sculpting, laser body sculpting, non surgical liposuction, laser fat removal, fraxel, Body Contouring How it Works, laser lipo, lipo dissolve, electrothermal, thermigen, thermage, thermotherapy, body lift, accent, ultra accent, ultra xl, body slimming, tone, tighten, ultrashape, endermologie, velasmooth, lipomassage, bella contour, liptron 3000, mesotherapy, laser lipolysis, smart lipo, non invasive fat reduction, cool sculpting, laser body sculpting, non surgical liposuction, laser fat removal, fraxel, Body Contouring before and after videos and testimonials, laser lipo, lipo dissolve, electrothermal, thermigen, thermage, thermotherapy, body lift, accent, ultra accent, ultra xl, body slimming, tone, tighten, ultrashape, endermologie, velasmooth, lipomassage, bella contour, liptron 3000, mesotherapy, laser lipolysis, smart lipo, non invasive fat reduction, cool sculpting, laser body sculpting, non surgical liposuction, laser fat removal, fraxel, Body Contouring pre and post care, laser lipo, lipo dissolve, electrothermal, thermigen, thermage, thermotherapy, body lift, accent, ultra accent, ultra xl, body slimming, tone, tighten, ultrashape, endermologie, velasmooth, lipomassage, bella contour, liptron 3000, mesotherapy, laser lipolysis, smart lipo, non invasive fat reduction, cool sculpting, laser body sculpting, non surgical liposuction, laser fat removal, fraxel, Body Contouring why choose body beautiful lipo dissolve, electrothermal, thermigen, thermage, thermotherapy, body lift, accent, ultra accent, ultra xl, body slimming, tone, tighten, ultrashape, endermologie, velasmooth, lipomassage, bella contour, liptron 3000, mesotherapy, laser lipolysis, smart lipo, non invasive fat reduction, cool sculpting, laser body sculpting, non surgical liposuction, laser fat removal, fraxel,

We provide the top body contouring treatment answers for our patients

Body Contouring Questions and Answers FAQlipo dissolve, electrothermal, thermigen, thermage, thermotherapy, body lift, accent, ultra accent, ultra xl, body slimming, tone, tighten, ultrashape, endermologie, velasmooth, lipomassage, bella contour, liptron 3000, mesotherapy, laser lipolysis, smart lipo, non invasive fat reduction, cool sculpting, laser body sculpting, non surgical liposuction, laser fat removal, fraxel,

Body Contouring Questions and Answers

Q: Am I a Good Candidate for Body Contouring machine, Coolsculpting or newest versions of Liposuction?
A: The best candidate for these treatments is someone who is exercising and eating a proper diet but is still having problem areas. A skinny, fit person can still have cellulite and might not be able to get rid of a trouble-spot on their own, no matter how much they diet and exercise.

Another example is someone who just had a child, got back in shape through diet and exercise but can’t tighten the skin in certain areas. We also do mini tummy tucks and stretch mark reduction.

Body contouring questions and answers – Body Contouring is not solely meant for weight loss purposes but its meant to help decrease 0.5-3 inches of skin and cellulite in trouble spots. Anyone looking to lose weight should consider additional solutions such as liposuction.

Q: Should I combine my body contouring procedure with any other treatment?
A: It’s not necessary, but for best results, we recommend combining with our body wraps. Many patients who receive body contouring are also interested in stretch mark removal, appetite suppression, breast augmentation, fat transferring and liposuction.

Q: How does Cellulite Reduction work?
A: Body Contouring uses combined energies known as ELOS to precise target and heat fatty tissues within the treated area. In addition, the Radio wave frequency and heat manipulate the fatty tissue and evens out the skin to reveal a smooth, tighter figure. Essentially it shrinks and melts the fat cells, leaving a smoother contour.

Q: How quickly will I notice a change?
A: Gradual improvement of the treated area may be seen following the first treatment. The skin’s surface may feel smoother, firmer and tighter. Results in circumference and cellulite reduction are most apparent 5-7 days after each treatment. Remember this is a process; you will need to be patient with your body and allow time to reveal your new shape.

Q: How many inches can I reduce from my circumference?
A: In clinical studies, patients report an average of 1-inch post treatment. In clinical trials, the average ranges from 0.5 – 3 inches.

Q: How long can I maintain results?

A: Many people will see a reduction with this treatment alone, but it is suggested that this treatment be used as a tool to assist you in achieving your goals. Maintenance treatments are recommended periodically following the complete treatment regimen. Like all non-surgical techniques, results will last longer if you follow a balanced diet, exercise routine, vitamins and drink lots of water!

Q: Does it hurt?
A: Most patients find Body Contouring to be comfortable, like a warm deep tissue massage which is designed for accommodation to comfort and sensitivity levels. It’s normal to experience a warm sensation for a few hours post-treatment. Your skin may appear red for several hours.

Q: How often do I need treatments?
A: Typically 3-5 treatments per area treated, spaced 3-14 days apart

Q: What are the most commonly treated areas?
A: We typically treat the neck, arms, chest (manboobs or female breasts), stomach, flanks (love handles), inner and outer thighs, buttocks and hips. But we can treat anywhere there inches to lose, sagging skin or cellulite.

Q: Is the Treatment Safe?
A: Treatment is safe and effective for all skin types, sizes and colors. No long-term nor short-term health effects have been reported.    *Patients with pacemakers or other like implants should avoid this treatment.

Additional Information | Body Contouring Spa Questions and Answers

You should not use this treatment if:
You have an heart issues, electrical devices such as pacemakers, hearing aids, metal implants, artificial metal hip joints, dental plates or heart valves. This treatment uses Radio Wave Frequency which can interfere with the devices or heat up the metal implants.

Many people will see a reduction with this treatment alone, and even more so if you combine it with our IR Body Wraps. It is suggested this treatment be used as a tool alongside a proper exercise regime and a healthier diet.
Ex: when you hit weight loss plateau or need a boost motivating your weight loss goal, this can be an excellent springboard!

Many facts about Fat:

1. Over half of adults in the U.S. are overweight

2. Statistics show that 62% of the U.S. is considered overweight or obese.

3. An adult who has a BMI between 25-29.9 is considered overweight.

4. An adult who has a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese.

5. An adult male tends to store body fat in the chest, abdomen and buttock.

6. An adult female tends to store body fat in the breasts, hips, waist and buttock.

7. An average adult has 50 billion fat cells.

8. Female breasts are almost entirely made up of fat which is why they shrink when you lose weight.   *Our fat transfer can help bring them back to younger desired lifted results.

9. There’s 3 different types of fat: Trans fat, Saturated fat and Unsaturated fat.

10. There are good fats and bad fats.

11. Good fats are olive, canola, vegetable oil, nuts (excludes peanut butter).

12. Good fats include trout, salmon, herring, soybean, corn oil, walnuts, sunflower seeds, avocados, etc.

13. Trans fats are bad fats.

14. Bad fats include fast food, fried food, boxed goods, baked goods, margarine and other processed or bi-product items.

15. Good fats are good for your brain.

16. Eating too much of certain fats can cause cancer.

17. Fat is the energy reserve of plants, animals and humans.

18. There are two different types of body fat: Brown and yellow.

19. Brown body fat is situated in the body and is active, containing mitochondria that produce heat and burn energy.

20. Yellow fat is found closer to the surface of the skin.

21. Women have a higher ratio of yellow fat than men.

22. Women need higher levels of fat because its essential for reproduction and stores it just in case.

23. Overweight people often suffer from sleep disorders.

24. Belly fat is a bigger health threat than hip or thigh fat.

25. People who are obese are more likely to have type 2 diabetes.

26. Adding Hydrogen to Vegetable Oil makes it more solid and preserves it to last longer, but makes it a trans fat.

27. Healthy skin and hair are maintained by good fats.

28. The people of the U.S. are overweight by a total of over four billion pounds.

29. You can’t burn fat from one area at a time.

30. You burn fat throughout your entire body.

31. Fat can give our food flavor and texture.

32. Fat cells can live for ten years. When one dies, a new one can take its place.

33. Don’t starve yourself to lose weight. Drop your daily calorie intake to 1300 or increase your caloric burn.

34. One pound of fat stores 3,500 calories for delayed use at any time in the future.

35. It is healthy to have a little body fat.

36. Fat is important for proper growth and development and for keeping us healthy.

37. Fat is a major source of energy and aids the body in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins.

38. Carrying too much fat puts a strain on all body systems.

39. Most people gain 1 gram of body fat a day. So if you gain 365 grams a year from 25 yrs old all the way to 50

yrs old, that’s 20 lbs!  Hence the middle age crisis.

40. Fat cells die at a rate of 150 per second.

41. If you burn 500 more calories than you eat daily for a week, you should lose 1-2 lbs weekly.

42. Too much fat in a diet can cause obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other problems.

43. Limiting sauces, condiments, gravies on food will decrease fat intake.

44. Most Americans get 40% of their daily diet from fat.

45. Once fat cells reach their maximum capacity, your body produces new fat cells to replace it.

46. The distribution of fat cells can affect your health.

47. Fat cells are also called adipose tissue, adipocytes or lipocytes.

48. When you consume more calories than you need, it’s stored in fat cells.

49. When a person becomes overweight the fat cells increase in number or size or both.

50. Some people are genetically predisposed to have more fat cells than other people.

51. An overweight person can have more than ten times the amount of fat cells as a healthy person.

52. Fat is everywhere in the body except your brain and spinal cord.

53. Fat cells deep within the abdomen help support the immune system.

54. Newborns are born with about 5 million fat cells.

55. Skinny adults have about 40 million fat cells.

56. Fat cells can expand from microscopic to being visible to the naked eye!

57. Fat cells release hormones informing the brain how much energy is left and when to start and stop eating.

58. The majority of adults that are overweight were also overweight as children.

59. Having too little body fat is as dangerous as having too much.

60. Being overweight can make your hormones imbalanced.

61. Estrogen is a fat storing hormone.

62. Stress fattens you up, try to reduce cortisol hormones.

63. Fat cells behave differently in different parts of the body.

64. Some people may lack a gene that prevents them from making fat cells.

65. People who eat meals in restaurants daily increase the risk of obesity drastically.

66. Being overweight reduces a woman’s chance of getting pregnant.

67. Each year over $50 billion is spent on diet programs.

68. You CAN change your metabolism.

69. All though you can lose weight with Diet and exercise, you don’t decrease the number of fat cells, unfortunately they shrink and wait for you to eat bad again to expand.

70. The only procedure for removing a number of fat cells is Liposuction, feel free to….

Call for more information about these Body contouring weight loss questions 724-987-3221

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