Acne or Scars, Microneedling, Teeth whitening, Hair Removal, Photofacial, Ultrasound Facial, Wrinkle Reduction, Skin Rejuvenation, Moles or Skin Tags, Sun and Age Spots, Rosacea
Body service menu box, Body Sculpting, Microneedling, Body Acne, Tattoo Removal, Hair Removal, Spider Veins, Stretchmarks and Scars, Nail Fungus Removal, Wrinkle Reduction, Skin Rejuvenation, Sun and Age Spots

Aesthetics Treatment Options

Treatment Options | Treatment Benefits | Initial Treatment & Maintenance | Results

Tattoo Removal: 

Treatment Benefits – Body Beautiful carries the PicoSure Laser it’s the world’s most innovative and fastest tattoo removal laser. PicoSure was voted the #1 option for tattoo removal.

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Patients should refrain from rubbing and picking the tattoo for 7-10 days post-treatment. Patients should come for the next round within 4-8 weeks.

Results –Tattoos are meant to be permanent. so they can be very difficult to remove. However, our PicoSure actually shatter the ink particles lying in the deep layers of the skin, unlike any other lasers, getting amazing results.

Teeth Whitening 

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Body Beautiful introduces a series of innovations and real science brought together to give you the whitest smile in a simple 20-minute procedure.

Results – Professional teeth whiteners have the ability to whiten dramatically, and most importantly, are ADA tested and approved. Teeth whitening is easier and more effective than in the past.

Toenail Fungus:

Treatment Benefits – Laser treatments for Toenail Fungus work by using a high-intensity light to selectively destroy the harmful fungus and leaves the surrounding healthy tissue unharmed.

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Remove any traces of nail polish, powders on the foot, please clean feet, especially lint as it may burn. See Pre and Post Page Here

Results – We use the most advanced lasers on the market. Laser technology represents the gold standard in toenail fungus Removal. We can use the optimum wavelength, customizing the treatment for each patient and each individual.

Botox, Dysport:

Treatment Benefits – Effective choice for facial lines and wrinkles which enabled billions of people including men and women to profit from repairing a smooth and youthful look.

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – After results begin to fade, repeat the treatment as necessary to ensure a youthful appearance.

Results – The injection’s effects will start taking place in 2 – 10 days, reaching full results after injection in 2 weeks.

Fillers, Restylane, Juvederm, Voluma, Lift:

Treatment Benefits – Popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment for facial rejuvenation.

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Juvederm is FDA approved to last up to a year! Restylane is FDA approved and last up to one year

Results – After about one-year results begin to fade, repeat treatment is necessary to ensure a youthful appearance.

Body Contouring, Body Wraps:  

Treatment Benefits – A completely noninvasive and non-surgical treatment that helps tighten your existing collagen and stimulates new collagen growth.

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – As needed

Results – It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Body Contouring is meant for people who diet & exercise properly. It’s not meant to lose weight but to lose inches by shrinking the fat cells


Treatment Benefits – A noninvasive and non-surgical treatment that helps remove dead skin cells and promote new growth.

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Initially Bi-Monthly
Follow up by as-needed maintenance

Healing: Slight Redness

Results – Immediate skin texture improvement.

Increases Collagen & Elastic Fibers.

Fibroblasts Cells.

 IPL Photofacial:

Treatment Benefits – Unwanted Pigmentation, Sun Damage & Rosacea, Spider Veins, Skin Tightening

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Initially 2-3 times, 4 to 6 weeks between treatments.
As needed maintenance, usually 5 to 10 years

Results – Results start to show in a week. Reduction of visibility in blemishes and a boost in collagen production.

Fractional Laser, Micro-needling or Sublative Skin Rejuvenation:

Treats – Stretch Marks, Scar Removal, Skin Tightening, Deeper Wrinkles, Under-eye circles, Age Spots, Deep pigmentary, abnormalities, Skin Resurfacing

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – 2-5 times, pending severity 4-8 weeks between treatments

Results – Slight redness – 2 hrs up to 3 days.

Full Results can take 2-3 weeks.

Overall Anti-aging, Pore irregularity. Restore Youthful skin without surgery.

Lamprobe Irregularities Hyfrecator: 

Treats Skin Tags, Moles, Angiomas, Acne pimples, Whiteheads, Brown spots, Cholesterol deposits, Broken capillaries

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – As needed

Results – Immediate removal of damaged skin cells.

Wound Healing K-Laser:

Treats Cuts, Bruises, Aches, Pain & Sprains, Diabetic & Post-Surgical Wound care, Overextended ligaments, tendons, Knots, Sciatica, Bulged & Degenerative Discs

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – As needed

Results – Increased blood circulation can immediately help with surface-level tissue, broken skin, and acute injuries.

Additional Lasers:

Birthmark Removal, Active Acne Reduction, Skin Tightening, Hand Rejuvenation, & Stop Smoking lasers

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – 3 or more times

Results – Treatment outcomes will vary per patient, call for consultation 7249873221.

Medical Peels strength T.B.D.:

Treatment Benefits – Hyperpigmentation, Active Acne, Scars, Overall rejuvenation

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – 4-8 weeks

Results – The strength of treatment will further Individual results

SkinMedica Skincare:

Treatment Benefits – Medical grade product to protect and improve skin tone, texture, and appearance

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Daily

Results – Protect Your Treatments Investment with Skin Medica skin care products.

Laser Menu Services | Surgical Procedures:

Treatment Benefits – Medical as well as aesthetic benefits.

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – 

Liposuction: determined by a physician

Breast Augmentation: determined by a physician

Fat Transfer: determined by a physician

Butt Lift: determined by a physician

Varicose Veins: little downtime subject to be determined by a physician

Lip Augmentation: determined by a physician

Earlobe Repair: determined by a physician

Hand Rejuvenation: determined by a physician

Facelift: determined by a physician

Results – We strive to bring the best care through superior technologies and expertise. Our professional staff provides both women and men with customized services to help you look and feel younger.

Ultrasound Facial

Treatment Benefits – Active Acne, Inflammation, Skin Tone, Moisture Retention, Circulation, Collagen Boost, Cell Regeneration, Decreases Unwanted Pigment & Rosacea

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Initially Monthly,6-8 Weeks

Results – Immediately make skin texture feel smoother and tighter for glowing skin tone. Protect your investment with medical-grade products.


Treatment Benefits – Improves your skin’s overall complexion by using needles to stimulate the healing process in the skin tissue.

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – As needed

Don’t ice after, apply sunscreen or makeup for 12 hours after treatment

Results – You will experience mild to moderate swelling and redness, similar to a sunburn that leads to your desired result in a few days.

Latisse Benefits:

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – FDA-approved prescription treatment used to grow eyelashes; for those who desire longer, thicker, stronger, darker or add more fullness.

Results – Additional applications of LATISSE® will not increase the growth of eyelashes. Upon discontinuation of treatment, eyelash growth is expected to return to its pre-treatment level

Permanent Makeup:

Treatment Benefits – Permanent Makeup Correction and Tattoo Lightening or Removal

Initial Treatment & Maintenance – Possible touch-ups
The procedures normally do not necessitate any downtime. The process may require 2-3 visits

Results – Initial application acts as a primer, which may fade several days after the first session. But, results will speak for themselves.



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