Waxing vs Laser Hair Removal
Hello and welcome back to Pittsburgh Beauty Guide today we’re discussing two of the most talked-about methods for removing unwanted irritating hair. We want to look at the pros and cons of both methods and find out which one is superior over the other. So, we’ll start out looking at the two and start discussing the pros and cons for both, the takeaways for each and then our conclusion on which might be better for you. As full disclosure, our offices focus on laser hair removal but we partner with companies that offer waxing service for clients that desire that service.

Laser Hair Removal
Let’s start by looking at Laser hair removal which is one of the highest praised and recommended methods to reduce undesired hair thoroughly. The latest laser techniques offered by systems such as the Lumenis, Diode, Vectus, and YAG can treat a broad combination of skin tones allowing patients to get the result they want safely and effectively.
Laser Hair Removal Pros
One of the top advantages of laser hair removal for many people around the world is the ability to get great outcomes on many skin tones. Hair removal lasers can administer treatment on many areas such as the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, back, and chest. A laser can virtually treat everywhere on the body with one or two notable exceptions such as the eyelids.

Laser hair removal machines take a fraction of a second to treats multiple hairs. This ability makes treating most areas quick and effective and produces outstanding results. Furthermore, lasers are normally less extreme than other methods like electrolysis or less painful than waxing. And, now with advancements in the industry contact cooling lasers utilize sapphire crystals for producing better patient comfort and cooling. For many people around the world, laser hair removal has saved time, money and effort by removing the need to shave, wax, pluck, bleach or tweeze. In our opinion, this is the best way to remove hair in a long-lasting manner. Results can last years without any major hair growth if at all leaving patients satisfied with the outcome.
Laser Hair Removal Cons
Now let us discuss some of the overarching cons of laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is celebrated for being relatively safe. However, like many cosmetic procedures, laser hair removal can have a small chance to produce slight risks. This essentially arises from the application of laser light which destroys hairs on the point where that specific laser treatment is applied. Some encounter tenderness, redness, inflammation, which is not unlike a rubber band tapping the skin surface. Further hair removal techniques such as waxing produce a comparable effect but ordinarily passes somewhat quickly. Additional side effects may involve skin blemishes which are normally uncommon. Still, in these cases, the effects tend to decrease and skin is restored to a normal look. Furthermore, in severe circumstances, burning can transpire usually as a consequence of the region not being correctly cleansed of lotions, makeup, or other uncooperative substances.
Laser Hair Removal Takeaways
As mentioned above laser hair removal procedures are one of the highest recommended and praised methods to reduce unwanted hair. Some of the top takeaways for us regarding laser hair removal is it’s a non-invasive procedure, has little to no pain and very low downtime. This is one of the best things about laser hair removal because the patient can come to the office and return to work after the treatment is completed. Also, our laser treatments are FDA approved, they treat ingrown hairs, they work on Men and Women of many different skin types, and can be performed on the lips, face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini lines, backs, chest, etc… Furthermore, we must reiterate that getting laser treatments usually saves time, money and effort by removing the need to shave, wax, pluck, bleach or tweeze. And, of course, the results of laser hair removal can last years without any major hair growth if at all leaving patients satisfied with the outcome.

Waxing Hair Removal
Now, let’s take a look at the waxing method which has been around for thousands of years dating back to the Egyptian era. Waxing has been a tried and true procedure for quickly removing hair from the body. This method consists of using wax that’s administered on the surface of the skin which adheres to any hairs in that area. The wax is then removed usually with a depilatory wax strip that allows for the stuck hairs to be removed quickly.
Waxing Pros
Of course, one of the reasons to get waxing over laser hair removal is the ability for the procedure to quickly remove those pesky unwanted hairs. One thing that’s not obviously apparent is waxing can be a skin exfoliant expelling dead skin from the epidermis. Additionally, waxing can leave your skin looking and feeling smooth and because you’re effectively pulling the hairs from the root they take much longer to grow back when compared to shaving.

Waxing Cons
Most clients that use waxing treatments tend to understand that waxing isn’t a painless pleasant treatment by any means. At times it can be reasonably uncomfortable and painful. This is because the hair is being torn quickly out of the hair root deep in the skin’s epidermis. Additionally, clients should be aware that waxing demands hair follicle growth to be useful and beneficial. This is because the thick or viscous sticky adhesive wax which is applied to the skin requires hairs to be effective. So, you may be growing the hair out for a few days to get the best result.
Waxing Takeaways
Waxing can be very effective when needing to remove hair immediately or if your skin tone is not suited for other methods but as stated above it can be painful. While you can get the same result from shaving, the results won’t last as long. While waxing is a tried and true procedure dating back thousands of years many clients and professionals think of it as a crude method especially because of the advancements in laser hair removal technology.

Conclusions on Waxing Vs Laser Hair Removal -
So to wrap this all up, in our offices, we have clients with dark skin tones that would be more suited for waxing over laser hair removal because of the nature of the laser beam. This is why we partner with businesses that are able to accommodate those patients. However, for those that can get laser treatment, we continue to promote the method as the defacto standard for patients wanting a long last result of hair removal. If you want to get laser treatments we ecourge everyone to find a professional medispa that offers free consultations.
We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the dynamics of waxing vs laser hair removal. We hope that our articles will help you in your journey to a healthier happier you. If you have any questions about our products or services we encourage you to visit our ask the professional page where you can submit your questions and possibly be featured in the article.