Kybella Injectable

Questions and Answers

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Frequently asked patients questions

Kybella Questions and Answers

Kybella Questions and Answers 

Q: What is Kybella?

A: Kybella is a prescription medication used to improve the profile and appearance of chin fat (submental fat), aka the double-chin.

Q: Is Kybella painful?

A: During clinical trials, most patients experienced swelling, numbness, bruising and mild pain after injections. These side effects can be managed with a numbing agent and ice. Discomfort should subside within a few days.

Q: Is Kybella safe?

A: Kybella is an FDA approved injection that dissolves submental fat underneath the chin. In 2015, a clinical study was concluded after 8 years with over 1,000 patients who had moderate-severe chin fat.

Q: Are results from Kybella permanent?

A: Results can be permanent because fat cells are destroyed. However, weight gain or loss will alter the appearance of the chin.

Q: Who should not try Kybella?

A: You should discuss your current health conditions and medications (especially medications preventing blood clots) with your health provider before exploring Kybella. If you have had surgery or cosmetic treatments on the chin, neck or face, or have medical conditions around the neck, have bleeding problems, have trouble swallowing, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to begin breastfeeding, talk to your PCP.

Q: What are Kybella’s possible side effects?

A: The most common side effects include bruising, swelling, itching, redness, mild pain and hardness around the treatment areas. Uncommon but serious side effects including nerve injury in the jaw that can cause facial muscle weakness, an uneven smile or trouble swallowing.

Q: Is Kybella covered by insurance?

A: Because Kibella is considered a cosmetic treatment, it is not covered by insurance. Ask us about financing options.

Q: Is Kybella worth it?

A: Seventy-nine percent patient approval rating for Kybella injectables.

Q: Where can I get Kybella?

A: Body Beautiful Laser Medi Spa in Pittsburgh offers Kybella! Our doctors, physicians, and nurses are trained and certified to inject kybella. That’s why we offer our most commonly asked Kybella Questions and Answers.

What is Kybella? Call 724-987-3221  to schedule a consultation and find out more information about this amazing product!

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