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Limited time only offer buy one get one free laser hair removal
Hair Removal Valentines Day Special:

Hair Removal Valentines Day Special:
100% FREE Laser Hair Removal treatment for a limited time only when you buy a new area at 25% OFF (of the same size or larger) CALL FOR DETAILS NOW 724-987-3221.
The Laser Hair Removal Systems used here at Body Beautiful are FDA approved and are the GOLD standard in laser hair reduction. Proven to deliver safe, effective treatments on all skin types and with broadest range hair colors.
Aesthetic Lasers target specific chromophores (color) in the hair root. The lasers leave neighboring tissue unharmed while damaging the chromophores selectively by heat. When treating unwanted hair, for example, the melanin in the hair follicles is targeted and damaged which results in the disruption of hair growth and regeneration. Our Diode, Nd Yag and IPL lasers are complemented by cooling technology and other pain-reducing techniques… read more about hair removal
It can be used for other “Laser Treatments.” – Restrictions apply call for details